Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Good Morning,

Quiet day yesterday but didn't really get much accomplished.

These are the scrapbook pages I completed last week.

The pattern paper is from Fancy Pants. It was one 12 x 12 sheet and I cut it apart to make it resemble lego blocks. lol

Xavy & Poppy are playing with his Lego. Xavier does a great job of putting the blocks together but he also loves to knock down the ones you built...hence...engineer or demolition expert????? Time will tell.

This was so cute...He had a pice of lego that was a window. I opened the window and said "peek-a-boo" at him. We then had a great game of "Peek-A-B00" through the window. Don't you just like the eyes in the BOO!

Do you ever know you have a certain accessory but just can't remember where you stored it. I had to look for a long time for those googly eyes. I knew I had seen them when I had re-arranged by cupboards.

Xavier - I see there is a package being delivered to you today! Let Nana know if they fit!

Fargo Cat Shops has a package arriving as well...and for some scrapbooking or papercrafting retreats check out the links on the top right hand side of my blog.

That's all for today. I do have a little something for tomorrow.

See you then......Yvonne

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