The week-end has officially started. It's after 6:00 o'clock on a Friday. I really don't like dreary days. I have no energy those days. I did get a little crafting done this morning and then I headed out as I needed some buttons for this scrapbook page and I also wanted to stop at Costco again. Yesterday I bought a nice green sweater and I liked it so much I went back for the yellow one today. I didn't want to just purchase stuff for yesterday I bought Xavier a summer outfit and it was so cute that I bought him another one today. They are just some little one piece short sets. I bought nice colors so when I scrapbook the pictures I'll be able to use different colors of paper. Sometimes you don't realize how long you've had some clothes or how often you wear them until you're looking through pictures and picking out paper to go with your pictures. I need to get a bigger wardrobe. lol
I mentioned yesterday that we were going to the Cirque last night. We had a nice supper out with Bob and Pam and then headed to the Metro Centre. The show was pretty good. i was maybe expecting a little more excitement. I would say it was only filled to about 60% capacity. They had a few high wire acts, a fire act, some contortionists, something similiar to a balance beam, tumblers, clowns. fun to be out with friends though.
This is a photo of Xavier last week-end when he came over for a visit. The little book on the left side will actually open up and that is where the journalling is going to go. I've wrote it in first person. So the road trip was from his perspective.

PS - Last day of May tomorrow. Today I realized my vehicle inspection needs to be done. I have an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. The car can be running just fine and when you take it in for an inspection there always seems to be lots of things that need repair.
Tomorrow I'll put up some pictures of the cards we'll be making at The Cutting Garden in June.
Have a good week-end.